HopeX GROW Initiative: 2024 Vision Builders Offering

The GROW Initiative: Vision Builders Offering is an end of the year giving opportunity that will take place on December 17th, for the purpose of advancing our vision for 2024!

Contribute to our GROW initiative

What is our vision for 2024?

"Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love" - Ephesians 4:15-16 NLT

Our vision for 2024 is to GROW

balanced rocks


Flower growing


two hands making a heart symbol

Full of Love

What will the money be used for?


  • Growth of HopeX Church
  • 2024 Marketing Campaigns
  • Student Ministry Launch
  • Next Steps Resources (Bibles, Salvation & Baptism giveaways)
people chatting and laughing after service


  • Easter Egg Drop 24'
  • Summer Serve Day
  • Expand Local Ministry
  • Quarterly Outreaches to Archer H.S.
High school boy and man posing for picture


  • Updated signage + print materials
  • Kids Checkin + Curriculum refresh
  • Portable Church equipment upgrades
  • ‍Tech/Media Upgrades for Live Streaming
Archer high school theater room
Our goal is
100% participation
We will move at the speed of the generosity of our church family.

What are we asking of you?

PRAYAsk God what you should give.
COMMIT Make a commitment to obeying what God says.
GIVEMake a donation of that amount on or before December 17th.
Contribute to our GROW initiative