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Dream big and discover more! Let us partner with you as you take your next step on your journey with God.

10X courses

The 10x Journey at Hope Experience Church

What is 10x?- 10x is a collection of courses designed to help people take their next step on their spiritual journey. It consists of a 4 step, non-sequential process:

Culture Course

Kick The Tires
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Our Culture Course is intended to give people a crash course on our story as a church! It covers how we got started, our vision, culture code, beliefs, what’s next and how people can be a part!
Hosted every Sunday after service.

Discover Course

Discover Your Design
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Our Discover Course seeks to help people understand their unique gifts, personality, core motivations and temperament, as well as how it all points to your God-given purpose in life!
Hosted every second Sunday after service.

Become Course

Develop Your Leadership
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Our Become Course is intended to help maximize your potential and influence. It is designed to take you on a journey to being formed in the ways of Jesus through the principles of servant leadership.
Hosted every third Sunday after service.

Join the Team

Ready To Serve
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Join The Team is your official introduction to our E-team. You will learn what teams we have available and equip you with everything you need to begin serving at HopeX!
Hosted every fourth Sunday after service.
Register to start your 10x journey

neXt steps

Not ready to join the team but you are ready to get yourself and your family involved with Christ, then these are some good next steps for everyone. Whether you want to proclaim your life to Christ or just join a group and hang out, these next steps are for you

Baby Dedication

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Baby Dedication- A Baby Dedication is a ceremony for babies younger than 2, in which a Christian father and/or mother make a commitment before the Lord to submit a child to God’s will and to raise that child according to God’s Word and God’s ways.


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Baptisms- A Baptism is our response to God’s love for us. It is an outward expression of an inward transformation that has already taken place through our personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.