New Here?

We believe everyone deserves a chance to experience the hope of Jesus Christ

At Hope Experience Church, we are guided by the conviction that every person deserves to discover the transformative hope found in Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:28 (NIV) says, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus," we embrace the biblical truth of universal acceptance. This passage underlines our commitment to welcome all individuals into our community, affirming that in Christ, everyone is valued and can find new beginnings and eternal hope. At Hope Experience Church, we invite you to join us in a journey of faith, inclusivity, and discovery.

Pastor on stage with arms wide open

Worship Service

Our worship services are the heartbeat of HopeX, offering an energizing blend of contemporary worship music, insightful sermons, and a warm, inclusive atmosphere. It's an experience designed to uplift and inspire, connecting you with God and a community of fellow believers eager to navigate the journey of faith together.

Come Worship with us! Plan your visit today!

HopeX Kids and STDNT.X

At HopeX, we're deeply invested in the spiritual development of the younger generation. Our Kids and Student Ministries are vibrant and engaging, providing a safe and encouraging environment where children and teens can learn about Jesus, build meaningful friendships, and develop their faith through fun, age-appropriate activities and teachings.

Learn more about HopeX Kids
Group of kids talking
two guys laughing

HopeX Hang Outs

HopeX Hang Outs are the cornerstone of our community engagement, offering small, intimate groups where you can delve deeper into your faith journey. These gatherings are perfect for those seeking to foster genuine connections, share experiences, and support one another in a setting that values open dialogue and personal growth.

Learn more about Hang Outshost a Hang Out

Prayer and Support

Life’s challenges are more manageable when faced together. Our dedicated Prayer and Support Networks offer compassion, understanding, and a listening ear to those in need. It’s a ministry that embodies the essence of community, providing strength and comfort to individuals through prayer, support groups, and pastoral care.

Click here to request prayer and support
group of people being prayed over
Woman holding up a sign that reads "You belong here"

Outreach and Serving

HopeX is committed to making a difference both locally and globally. Our outreach and serving opportunities allow you to put your faith into action, whether it’s through community service projects, missions abroad, or local initiatives designed to spread love and aid to those in need. It’s an impactful way to live out the teachings of Jesus and witness the transformative power of service.

Sign up to start serving!

Our Story

Paul and Jenny have a heart for creating safe spaces for people who don't have it all "figured out." Paul has been serving in Pastoral leadership within the local church for over a decade with degrees in both Biblical Studies & Psychology. He is passionate about helping people heal from trauma and find hope in Jesus!

Jenny is multi-lingual and a lover of people. She speaks five languages and has a BA in Communications, as well as her Master's in Business Administration She has over a decade of experience in administration, operations and HR. She enjoys all things cooking, fashion and discipleship!

Jenny and Paul find joy leading, empowering and influencing the next generation. They have partnered with the Association of Related Churches to launch a healthy, safe, life-giving, multi-cultural, multi-generational, spirit-filled church in Lawrenceville, GA.

"If you're not really into religion, it's ok. To be honest, neither are we. Our vision is to create a place where people can Experience Hope and learn to Love Deep + Live Wide. It'll be a safe place for you and your family to explore faith and experience God."   -Pastor Paul

We see a church full of people so radically changed by God's love, they would stop at nothing to see others found by that same love. We see a church that reflects heaven in the way we honor people of all ages stages, races and cultures.

Paul and Jenny bio picture with logo background